Saturday, March 13, 2010

Early Risers in the Ground

Well, the moon sign is right, and a tip I picked up from lead me to believe it was time to put a few things in the ground. I started by tilling the whole garden for a second time. A lot of the grass and weeds had taken root again from where I had tilled it two weeks ago. So today I planted: lettuce, onions (red and white,) garlic (should have been in the ground long ago,) chives, potatoes, and asparagus.
This first picture is a shot of the whole spot. In the foreground you can see my lazy bed, I had some t-post and 6' chainlink fence laying around so that's what I used. i'm going to have to cut down the chainlink it's way too tall I think I'll try to make it around 4' so I can easily reach over the top to add straw and soil as my potatoes begin to grow. I've plated only russet potatoes this year, but considering the fact that I got nothing out of my potatoes last year I think this plan is quite ambitious. We'll see.
To the right, the east of the potatoes I've planted asparagus. I've never grown it I don't know anything about it. I'm not sure if I will even be able to harvest from it this year which is why I stuck it in the corner, so it's out of the way for keeping all year.
This is an interesting design I am going to try out. The idea of companion planting appeals to me and sense I really haven't much to loose I decided to try it out with a few of my crops. Today I planted chives and garlic, but within this 6x8 spot I will also plant jalepinos and cilantro. It will be a crowded spot, but that's sort of the plan. The garden is laid out in blocks more than rows, like a traditional garden.
The vines you see in the chainlink are old honeysuckle vines, as I mentioned this is recycled fencing. I'm not sure why I have so many pictures, when they are all showing dirt.
Forgive this picture I must have moved or something. I planted onions today, but this is another 6x8 block of the garden that will later contain bell peppers as well. I plan to put 10-12 bell pepper plants in this spot with these onions, just to give you an idea of how closely I plan to put these plants together.

Finally I have four 6' rows of romaine lettuce. I planted them in front of a trellis I put up to grow my cucumbers on. later in the summer I plan to plant some tyme in between the rows of lettuce. I know nothing of herbs, but I've decided to add a few to the vegitable garden as an experiment. Perhaps if things go well I'll set aside a plot for a real herb garden next year.

In the back of a couple of these pictures you can see mounds of dirt just off the edge of the garden, this is my blueberries and blackberries, another first. I'm very excited to see how they do. I think if this garden goes well I will have gotten the absolute most out of a small space. The entire spot is 16'x45'. But I have big plans for this little spot.

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